Become a member of our team!

Who we are

Our company specializes on teaching English children (2-15 years old), teenagers (15-19) but also adults. We have been providing our services for more than six years and we have still more and more satisfied clients. The courses are based on the ability to understand the spoken language, practise vocabulary and useful phrases and feel confident to express oneself. We prefer personal approach which is why the lessons are held in smaller groups. We try to involve a lot of games, activities and movement in the lessons and thus enable the learners to concentrate fully on what is being taught. Indirect learning, activation of all senses and development of imagination contribute to this goal as well. Learning can be fun and our teachers can enjoy a lot of fun in their lessons too!

What we require

  • English native speakers greatly interested in teaching
  • At least two years experience with teaching adults and children
  • Appropriate education, certificates enabling teaching English as a second language (CELTA, TEFL,...)
  • Valid working visa or permanent residence in the Czech Republic
  • Responsibility, enthusiasm for teaching

What we offer

  • Interesting job for at least one year
  • Training course including our methodology, classroom management and observation lessons for free
  • Work in a collective of young people
  • Help with arranging accommodation, orienting in a new city, paperwork...

If you are interested in this position, please send your current CV, recent photo and written references to the coordinator of appropriate region.


Bc. Ryan Sandoval (jednatel)

tel.: +420 775 183 624 (CZ)

tel.: +420 773 177 621 (EN)

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Účet: 2500709613/2010

IČO: 03612422

Tipy pro Vás

Vážení rodiče a studenti. V týdnu od 12.9.2022 začínají kurzy a kroužky AJ. O začátcích kurzů a kroužků budou všichni řádně přihlášení informováni prostřednictvím emailu/sms. Do všech kurzů a kroužků je možné se přihlásit na hlavní stránce. V případě dotazů jsme Vám k dispozici na našich kontaktech. Přejeme Vám úspěšný vstup do nového školního roku a těšíme se s Vámi na viděnou. Tým EE





Vážení rodiče, vydané reporty naleznete ve formátu pdf k tisku či stažení v sekci Publikujeme/Reporty.


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